
Generating Executive Summary report directly from GS

  • 25 September 2016
  • 9 replies

Before our executives have a meeting with a customer they ask to get an Executive Summary report (for which we built a template).

This report includes details from various places - All of them are already in SF or GS.

For example:  Key contacts, Open opportunities, NPS Score, Product purchased.

Is there a way to have GS pull these info from all these sources and generate a PDF/Word file that can be sent to the executive?

9 replies

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Have you looked at Success Snapshots?  This generates a PPT, not word or PDF, but can pull together the info you asked about.  Another option is send an email to your execs through Copilot -- currently that can include charts and graphs but not tables, so that may be a limitation.  Would be interested to get your thoughts on these directions.
This looks good.

The only downside is that it will generate a multiple slide ppt as opposed to a 1-page Word file.
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If there was an ability to customize the C360 Success Snapshot I think that would solve our need. Being able to select which reports and sections are included and have them in a PDF would allow the CSM to do a quick export to send to the executive when it is requested. My current issue with the PPT is that it's not concise and can have some formatting issues that need to be adjusted before sending to the executive. Having a 'clean' PDF similar to the C360 export would be a more consumable document. 
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Thanks for your input.  I agree that PDF has advantages. I will be open in sharing that supporting lots of different formats is going to be tough but we will definitely take your preference into our planning. 
We have restrictions with uploading a Power Point template (and Survey graphics) with our SFDC team so having a PDF export built into Gainsight would be ideal for us.
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Can you explain why you can't upload PPT?  Is this a technical issue?  [I understand that there are good reasons for PDF, just trying to understand what the situation is.] Thanks.
Although I'm the GS Admin my permissions are limited and I get an Insufficient privileges error since I don't have access to the Documents folder.  We then had a SFDC admin with more privileges attempt, he received Unable to find potx template for the document id. We were asked to debug using workbench however this cannot be used in our environment. It's likely our corporate policies for all the issues but you can look at our ticket #15814 for more information.
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Got it.  Thanks.  I can see how that causes frustration.  
Hi Leslie/Samantha and Einat,

One of the use cases which we are looking at in order to help executives prepare for a meeting is the C360/R360 external layout which can be shared by the CSM to the executive as a link?

This will let them access the C360(configured according to the most important sections the exec would be interested in) and can be used by them during the meeting. Is this something which would help your use case?  More details can be found here -

We would love to hear your feedback on the same.


Abhishek S
