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I was having a conversation with my CS Ops director today around goal planning. To be honest, we found ourselves a bit stuck.

I was curious what Gainsight or other organizations have come up with as it pertains to goal setting for Gainsight Administrators?

Have you considered preparing/presenting QBRs?

For the prior quarter:

  • # of processes automated

  • # of redundant CTAs removed

  • # of new features released

  • # of requested features solved for, etc.

  • X% reduction in service tickets submitted (internally)

My gut on this, Jeff, is that it's more about Management By Objective. If you can agree on the key projects/value to deliver, then that helps make it really clear to management what value you're adding, helps give you a specific finish line that feels meaningful, and forces management to have the strategic conversation with you about what you should be workng on. How does that resonate with you?
