
governance model

  • 19 September 2016
  • 9 replies

Has anybody created a formal governance model for Gainsight that they'd be willing to share? As we add more Admin users and groups outside of Customer Success into Gainsight it's becoming clear that we need to create a formal governance model/support structure. I've started to create something which I'd share here but it's a .ppt and I can't figure out how to attach a doc? Sorry! Does anybody else have anything they'd be willing to share?

9 replies

I've setup governance for my previous company and currently developing governance in my new company. Happy to chat - you can find me on linkedIn so we can coordinate a call.

I lead a weekly meeting with Gainsight stakeholders at my org where requests for changes are presented, reviewed, approved, and prioritized.  I also use this time to provide updates on work in progress, discuss adoption/training needs, and review upcoming Gainsight release details.  Each segment/region has a representative-- if they fail to attend or send a delegate, they are responsible for reviewing the meeting notes I send after and following up as needed.
Note that the governance I was talking about was broader than Gainsight and CS. I do have some presentations you can use as a template.

We went very holistic and brought in all operations and business intelligence functions to the table. Lead gen to marketing to sales, CS on down to accounting and FP&A and our internal developers.

This was how we were able to manage broader organizational transformations like changing our sales strategy and compensation plans or integrate acquisitions into our existing processes.
Userlevel 7
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We are in this position right now too. Because of our expansion across multiple teams, and the ability for only Admins to do certain things, we are receiving more requests for admin access. We know this is not a long term solution. I'm very interested in how others have solved for this.

We have a very technical group here which causes many to want access to the more technical tools.
Userlevel 6
Thanks for posting, Lane!  I think it's great to crowdsource some ideas around user management policies. @Daniel Oberes - any learnings that you could share from what you set up?  
Similar to what Sara Hoeffler is doing, we have a biweekly steering committee with heads of different functional groups and program owners. In the meeting we go over work in progress as well as the operational roadmap - covering initiatives, ROI/metrics and project definitions.

In regards to the requests for admin access, I've worked with our CRM team to create permission sets that limit access for certain users to particular tabs. For example, our Marketing team only has access to the CoPilot, Data Spaces and Reporting sections. 
Sure thang
Badge +1

Has anybody created a formal governance model for Gainsight that they'd be willing to share? As we add more Admin users and groups outside of Customer Success into Gainsight it's becoming clear that we need to create a formal governance model/support structure. I've started to create something which I'd share here but it's a .ppt and I can't figure out how to attach a doc? Sorry! Does anybody else have anything they'd be willing to share?

@sarah_couch Hi, Sarah, nice meeting you on GS community. I knew it has been 4 year since your post. But i wonder were you able to crowdsource ideas on the governance model? I’d like to hear about this since we also want to be clear about the ownership and accountability of the tool after launch

Hi Sarah!

you can find some good guidance on this book : Gainsight Governance Guide
