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Does anyone have helpful guides, articles or trainings that they used to drive Gainsight NXT adoption with their CSC team? 

I think nothing beats homemade trainings/guides tailored to your instance & use cases. We did/are doing a few things that work well:

Implementation enablement

  • VILTs (virtual instructor-led trainings), recorded, focused in on the main elements of Gainsight we use (timeline, C360, CTAs & cockpit)
  • Fast Fact sheets (quick reference definitions and screenshots for key features mentioned above)

I’ve found that static enablement gets stale quickly, I prefer a more dynamic approach to enablement, outlined below:

Ongoing enablement

  • Live new hire onboarding training (incorporating a Gainsight training for new users during their regular onboarding time)
  • Bi-weekly “release notes” on new features or additions to Gainsight, usually including a <2min demo video walking users through a particular update or feature
  • I join CSM team meetings every ~6 weeks to do live demos on different features and talk about what’s coming next (like Horizon Analytics or Gainsight Home)
  • Gainsight Office Hours: I hold 30min open office hours twice weekly for users to pop in and ask questions on the fly
  • #gainsight-questions slack channel monitored by me, for folks to publicly post issues or questions about Gainsight
  • Manager meetings. I meet weekly with CS managers to talk through their use of Gainsight, updates to dashboards and reporting, discuss workflows that they can advise their direct reports on...etc
