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When hiring a 1:many lead (CS Operations), what work history would you recommend targeting? How senior of a candidate would you recommend looking for?

Gainsight has offered perspective on these questions here and here. How does your CS organization view the Ops role? 
At Kapost I served as Director of Customer Success Operations and my team also had an Enablement and Education Lead and Operations / Configuration Manager. Our CSS Operations group was responsible for: customer marketing, one to many education (both internal for our team and external to customers), running operational initiatives to roll out to our team, process improvements, creating collateral and supporting decks for playbooks, and managing and being admins for our team's technology stack. I like to think of CS operations as the backbone of the CSS team that does a lot of "behind the scenes" work but ultimately, ensures to make the lives better and easier for the CSM's on the front lines. 

For our Education and Enablement lead that oversaw one to many work, I think it's important for someone to have a community / marketing background, as well as an operations background who is able to think big and strategically. I believe their experience shouldn't be entry level. It's a role that is orchestrating many moving parts who has to consider internally and externally, success, adoption, and retention based actions. 

We had luck bringing in a really strong CSM that wanted something more and was leaning in this direction so she really knew the ecosystem of our team and had been in the shoes of those she would serve. I would definitely recommend considering an internal promotion like that who has the above mentioned background. 
