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I have milestones that are automatically created once a CTA closes. How can I track the difference in number of days between two milestone date?


Milestone 1: Onboarding,  created date = 12/13/2018

Milestone 2: Launch, created date 12/16/2018

I'm looking to get difference in between the two dates and get the average to get a good estimate of average onboarding time.

Or is there another way to better track this you can recommend? 
Hey Tony - You could accomplish this by calculating the number of days between milestones and loading that data into your Milestone Object.  DM if you'd like to discuss?
For what it's worth, we currently report against Calls to Action.  Show (Avg) Days to Close where CTA Type = Onboarding.  For a trend chart, we show By: Closed Date summarized by Calendar Month.  This gives our CS manager a view on whether we're reducing our avg time-to-onboard month over month.  
Hey Tim, definitely would like to discuss and get your input. Where would I start with the rule? 
Hey Andy, Thanks for the response. This would be helpful for us too since we currently track CTA's for onboarding as well. Did you create a rule for this?
