
Is it beneficial to separate CTA reasons by risk and opportunity?

  • 2 February 2017
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 4
My role, and our org, are relatively new to the Gainsight world. We're going through and consolidating CTA Types and CTA Reasons to use. My main question revolves around how detailed should we start out with CTA Reasons?

For example, we have Risk, Lifecycle, Objective, Opportunity and Event as our CTA Types. We could have a reason for Engagement Risk (customer has not engaged in a lengthy period of time) and Engagement Opportunity (regular follow up with Customer) - I know these are very high level examples. Any recommendations for breaking down Reasons into Risk/Opportunities as well, or keep them high level as that will be specified within the Type?


4 replies

Userlevel 2
Hi Jake,

I'm no salty veteran myself, but I think your final statement is the best one:   

keep them high level as that will be specified within the Type

In our environment we have a reason of "Renewal" which can be both an opportunity (time for an upgrade?) or a risk (are they thinking of abandonment?), depending on circumstance and other info we know about that customer.  In your example, you could simply have one reason for "Engagement" and let the Type clarify the situation based on Opportunity, Risk, Event, etc.  

From a more philosophical level, I'm always a fan of starting with as few categorizations as you think you can get by with, and then adding more when confusion or pain points arise.  :)

Hope that helps!
Userlevel 7
Badge +2
Hi Jake, it sounds like the regular follow up with the customer might fit better into a Lifecycle type of CTA. 

Generally speaking, think of Risk as something unexpected that represents a negative that should be addressed; Opportunity as something unexpected that represents a positive that should be capitalized upon. Lifecycle would be something that is typical expectation for any normal customer - Monthly call, EBR, etc.
Userlevel 4
Thanks all! I definitely think both responses make sense. We're taking a slow and more high level approach (let Type determine Opportunity, Risk, etc.) to evaluate our regular business use cases and will go from there.
Userlevel 7
Badge +4
HI Jake - I definitely concur with the others here.  I look at the Reason as the particular area of focus in which a risk, opportunity etc would exist.  For example, you could have a Support Risk, Adoption Risk, Renewal Risk, Feedback (or Detractor) Risk, etc.  An opportunity could be an Upsell Opportunity, a Champion (or Promoter) Opportunity, Expansion (i.e. new business division) Opportunity, etc.     Agree with Dan too that the regular follow up would fit into Lifecycle category.  Some of our Lifecycle Reasons include Onboarding, EBR, Touchpoint, Adoption, Best Practices. 
