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Hey CS ops peeps,

We run a series of networks which clients use to build their system on (we're DNS geeks... ::pushes up glasses::). Usage is almost always pretty flat, so people set it and forget it. Subsequently, virtually nobody logs in on a daily basis, a major break from a lot of companies I see on here (Gainsight included) and I don't see a lot of examples of non-license based setups.

What I was wondering, was if any of you are in the same boat from a business standpoint and how you architected your health scores and CTAs. Would love to have a conversation here/offline to swap ideas.

Were you able to get any assistance on this issue? Does it still need to be open or can I close it? I could inquire internally if anyone has SME into this area, but not sure as we specialize in GS/SFDC configurations. 
