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Webinar Recording: The Key Skills CSM Teams Need to Succeed in 2023

  • 9 March 2023
  • 5 replies

If you missed our webinar on March 7 on The Key Skills CSM Teams Need to Succeed in 2023 you can find the presentation and a recording of the slides below. In this webinar Easton Taylor, VP of Customer Success, Gainsight joins John Thackston, CEO, SOAR Performance Group and Andy Thompson, AVP Consulting & Client Success at Recorded Future for a discussion on how you and your teams can be best equipped for the year ahead. During this webinar they discussed:

  • How the required skills for CSMs are changing based on the current business environment 
  • How to effectively develop new skills for your CSM teams 
  • Ways to measure the business impact of skill development




I’m 3 min in and I’m surprised and disappointed all three speakers are white men. In a field where I’ve had so many amazing female leaders it’s shocking you couldn’t find even one woman, or anyone of colour. 

Hi @Lynn428  you're right, and thank you for speaking up. Representation is really important. This webinar didn't show the representation we would typically like to have, or that I feel that we've had across our webinars in general. I'm grateful to have you holding us to a high standard for something that we value! My team runs our customer webinar program, and I'm going to have them start tracking the percentage of our presenters who come from underrepresented groups. Also, if there are speakers you've seen who you'd recommend, let us know. I'd love to expand our speaker pool, most especially in ways that showcase the richness of perspectives and experiences in the industry.

Thank you @Lynn428 for taking the time to provide this feedback.  This is not the experience we aspire to and your note is a very welcome call to action.  



Thanks all for taking the time to follow up. I look forward to seeing more representation on future webinars and content Gainsight produces. I think GS has done so much for the customer success community and as a leader in the field it’s especially critical it represents the community. If youre looking for great speakers I would suggest…

Thank you for the suggestions, @Lynn428 ! @lane_h is out on vacation this week, so let me loop in @Melanie_Paddock and @dshorter from her team -- Melanie & Davielle, see above for potential speakers who come recommended!
