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While at Pulse, my team and I learned that we need to add a segment to our customers. We currently only have Premium and Standard, where Premium is based on if the customer purchased our "Premium Support" offering. This means we have a wide variety of customer types in the "Standard" model.

We are now working on implementing a new segmentation strategy to separate "Standard" into two groups: Tech Touch and Mid Touch (kudos to the presentation on Customer Communities, forget the presenter names). 

So far, here is what we are looking at for factors:

  • License volume

  • License volume

  • # of products owned

  • Customer type (a function of spend per customer)

  • Strategic value
Our hope is that this will allow us to tailor our engagement strategy better, focus our CSM team on our higher-valued customers, while maintaining an acceptable level of engagement with the tech touch group.

Looking for guidance or other ideas from the community!

You could look at usage and segment to "Power Users." Another thing to consider would be how much you customer makes in annual revenue.
I have 3 segments initially - where i identify high, low and tech touch. However - that is only segmentation based on ARR. I have assigned some accounts to a higher touch, even if from an ARR standpoint they fall low - based on the following factors: # of products they utilize and # of users/companies(location) they have, as well as their advocacy level (i.e. if they have continued to be a reference and good solid customer - we hold them at the same level of a higher touch/tier 1 account). 
Thanks all! Always appreciate the insights. I like the "Power Users" concept, just not sure how we'd implement it yet. #NewChallenges
