Best Practices for Mapping your Product in Gainsight PX - Strategy

  • 17 July 2023
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  • Gainsight Employee: Shoshin
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Gainsight PX is a product analytics and user engagement platform. Product mapping in Gainsight PX refers to the process of associating specific product features or elements with user behavior and analytics data. It helps in understanding how users interact with different parts of a product, enabling product teams to identify usage patterns, track user engagement, and make data-driven decisions to improve the product's performance and user experience. By mapping product features, Gainsight PX allows businesses to gain valuable insights into user behavior and optimize their product based on those insights.

Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Define your goals: Clearly articulate the objectives you want to achieve by mapping your product in Gainsight PX. This will help you focus on the specific user actions and metrics that align with your goals.
  • Identify key events: Identify the crucial user actions or events within your product that you want to track. These could include onboarding steps, feature adoption, or important interactions. Map these events accurately to gain insights into user behavior.
  • Capture relevant properties: Properties provide additional context and segmentation options for your events. Ensure you capture relevant properties associated with each event to enable deeper analysis and better understanding of user actions.
  • Plan event hierarchy: Organize your events into a logical hierarchy to make analysis and reporting more intuitive. Create parent-child relationships between events that represent a flow or sequence of actions within your product.
  • Utilize custom event triggers: Leverage custom event triggers to capture specific actions or behaviors that are not automatically tracked by default. This allows you to tailor event tracking to match your unique product features and user interactions.
  • Regularly review and refine: Continuously review your event mapping to ensure it aligns with the evolving nature of your product. Refine your mapping as you introduce new features or update existing ones to ensure accurate tracking and analysis.
  • Test and validate: Before deploying your event mapping, thoroughly test it in a staging or test environment to ensure accurate tracking and data collection. Validate that the events and properties are firing correctly and providing the desired insights.
  • Maintain consistency: Establish naming conventions and guidelines for events and properties to maintain consistency across your organization. This helps streamline analysis and reporting and facilitates collaboration among teams.
  • Leverage analytics features: Explore Gainsight PX's built-in analytics features to gain actionable insights from the mapped data. Utilize segmentation, funnels, and cohorts to identify patterns, understand user behavior, and drive product improvements.
  • Iterate and improve: Use the insights gained from your mapped data to iterate on your product, enhance user experiences, and drive better outcomes. Continuously improve your event mapping and analysis processes based on user feedback and evolving business needs.

Remember, effective event mapping in Gainsight PX enables you to understand user behavior, optimize user experiences, and drive product success.

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