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Hello Leaders in Customer Success,
Gainsight's C/R360 feature is a customer 360-degree view that provides a comprehensive understanding of a customer's interactions, behaviour, and sentiment with your organisation.

Here is why the feature really matters and excites the CS leaders:

  • Single Source of Truth
    C/R360 provides a single source of truth for all customer-related information, including customer history, feedback, health score, etc which helps make data-driven decisions and take actions to improve the customer experience.

  • Holistic Customer View
    C/R360 provides a holistic view of a customer’s journey with your organisation and enables the team to take clear actions based on the customer’s needs, preferences, and pain points. And all this with real time data on customer interactions and metrics.

  • Customisable
    C/R360 is customisable allowing you to tailor the view to your specific need and preferences.

Gainsight recently redesigned C/R360 to significantly simplify from its previous version improving user experience and efficiency. It is packed with new features and enhancements to existing functionalities as well as to simplify creating Activity, CTA, Person, Pinned or Unpinned sections, Inline edits, and so much more.


Here are a few key highlights on the redesign for C/R360:

  • New flexible summary section for less scrolling and a new navigation experience for better use of real estate and more space.
  • Improved visualisations for easily digesting customer data.
  • Complete personalisation putting the end users in control of the view.
  • Introducing multiple new OOTB widgets as part of this upgraded experience allowing your team to consume a lot more refined information right on the summary page.

The new C360 redesign was developed with one key central theme - easier user experience and enhanced outcome and we are sure you do not want to miss on this one.

But this type of enhancement only works if your organisation enables the new C/R360 layouts. Be sure your Gainsight Admin knows that you want to step up your C/R360 game!

Do get your admins to upgrade right away and enjoy the simplicity.

How to upgrade - Change Document for C360 Redesign

Auto migration effective July ‘23.

How is the colour of Customer Journey bar configured? (ie. how do we know when a customer is Adopting vs. Expansion)

@simonechen Please take a look at this article that will not only help you in setting the stages up in the customer journey widget but also configure other useful automatic milestones. 
