Government Vertical

  • 24 August 2022
  • 7 replies

Hello fellow Gainsters … 

I am the Director of Customer Success at a software development company that works with a very niche customer base - the state and county government space. Fresh off of the heals of Pulse 2022, I am recharged in getting integrated into the Gainsight community to learn and ideate. 

I would love to connect with fellow Gainsters who work in the government space. There is a lot of similarity between B2B and B2G (Business to Government), but there is likely the same amount of difference and with that, I would love to chat about what is working for others in the government space nd what is not. I would love to share the successes we have experienced as well and also where have tripped, fallen and had to get up and dust ourselves off. 


7 replies

Userlevel 7
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Pinging @slee on this thread.

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Thanks for connecting us, @anirbandutta !

@CBarber2022 - excited to connect with you! I agree that there’s going to be some nuance in serving the public/government sector and would love to exchange ideas as well as get some more background on how you serve your customers. Looking forward to chatting!

@slee lets set up a time to talk sooner rather than later. If you want to send me an email so we can coordinate calendars, I would appreciate it. 


Talk soon! 

Userlevel 7
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@joanna_meske this seems up your alley to me a bit! Might be a great connection!



Would love to connect 

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@joanna_meske@matt_carey -- please let me know if you’d like to have a sync as well. I’ve sent you all private messages as I did Chuck, and we can try to find a separate time to meet. If there’s enough interest, we can pursue a group meeting on a more regular basis. Looking forward to connecting!

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Hi all! Wanted to follow up that with some of the responses we’ve gotten post-Pulse, we’ve created a new group on Community for vertical industry related discussions! Here’s the introductory post -- please chime in and join the group and let us know how else we can help!

FYI @CBarber2022 (in follow-up to our conversation the other day!)
