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Chrome Plugin Reporting Feature

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Hi Team,

One of my customer is  trying to track the number of times a CSM has sent out a specific templated email. How does it work using the gainsight gmail extension to moderate email sends? Do we have this one in our roadmap? 



Hello @hardik_mota 
This support will come up in couple of quarters.  I will keep you posted abt the. release timelines.

Thanks for the reply @chethana !

Hey @hardik_mota , We have a similar use case and found a solution that does work providing that the CSMs are not changing the email subject.


Providing that CSMs are not changing the email subject of templates, we found that you can create a report based on the activity type “email” and then subject equals template subject line.

It requires some communication and is far from a perfect solution, but does allow some reporting on template use until this feature is released.

Hello @hardik_mota 
This support will come up in couple of quarters.  I will keep you posted abt the. release timelines.

Is this still on the roadmap? Any chance you can give us a preview of what the reporting structure will look like? Will it be a new field on Email Logs or a new object altogether?

Hello @hardik_mota 
This support will come up in couple of quarters.  I will keep you posted abt the. release timelines.

Is this still on the roadmap? Any chance you can give us a preview of what the reporting structure will look like? Will it be a new field on Email Logs or a new object altogether?


Hello @phani,

This is still on our roadmap. I will keep you updated once we start working on it.

Thanks, for the update @chethana.


I kinda feel like this relates to a post I had made a while back so want to ask if the planned work allows for it?



Any update on this request?

Would love to see email template associated expanded beyond JO emails if possible so we can gauge the ROI of our deployments and tools. It would be a big win for Gainsight, as a product, to show business stakeholders: the tool supplied 95% of the content for these X number of emails sent by humans this period.

@hardik_mota any updates on this long-standing request to report on emails templates used in gmail extension?  


Our use case is we have over 700 email templates and are looking to do a clean-up.  Our end users use gmail extension heavily, and there is no data source in Gainsight that tells us which templates they are taking advantage of in the extension.