Email Delay & Undo Feature

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A great way to prevent typos and errors in emails from accidentilly going out to customers would be to implement a feature similar to Gmail where you can set a delay for sent emails and the ability to undo/cancel an email being sent if you catch it before the delay is over.


This kind of feature would be a great asset to Customer Success professionals everywhere! Especially if they frequently use the Email Assist feature to send emails from GainSight.


Here’s an example of the steps & settings options from Google’s documentation:

Gmail’s ‘’Undo Send’’ feature


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I consider it should even be autopopulated to the owner, and have the option to select from a dropdown as well. It is time consuming to go search for the email everytime.

@dancif_unity  @chriscuss_unity  we are already building an integration with gmail and outlook. So we don’t have this feature tinside gainsight] in our roadmap as of now.