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Filter on All Fields and Lookups in Timeline Custom Views

Related products: CS Timeline


Referencing this post that support is pointing to in their response to the lack of field availability in timeline filters, which is a question rather than an idea, and can’t be upvoted: 


We require consistency in the ability to use all Timeline Activity fields, and lookup fields in all areas of the product.

At present, Timeline Custom views is exclusive of a vast number of fields amongst which: 

  • Certain lookups
  • Context Name
  • Context ID
  • Milestone related fields 

We require ALL fields to be available in filters for Timeline Custom Views. It doesn’t make sense to have to create a report / dashboard to be able to filter on timeline activities. 

This is a simple ask. It’s about product feature parity for filtering AND for timeline/cockpit experiences. 




This is a simple ask. It’s about product feature parity for filtering AND for timeline/cockpit experiences. 

+1 for #productparity!

We should have access to all fields, irrespective of what you think we might need.

I believe it was @gunjanm who said something along the lines of:

😂 “Don’t tell us how to do our business!” 😂

Another example of where this would be incredibly useful 


A lot of related posts, all getting at the same thing -- show ALL fields for the Timeline filter view…


I appreciate that you guys want to make the system simpler for new adopters and such, and there’s a fine line to achieving that without hindering more experienced users trying to leverage the full power of the system. Maybe something like the “Advanced” toggle for setting up Cockpit views would allow for both?


In any case, full access to all fields for the purpose of setting up filters, adding columns to views, etc, is invaluable to us. 


