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Horizon Rule Execution log-NEED more historical data

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

The old rules, we had access to about 3 months worth of execution logs, when the rule is running once a day. Now we only have about a month worth. Often time the issues isn’t caught within the 30 day time frame, which is unfortunate, however, that is our reality. When we want to trouble shoot to see what happened, we have no one of knowing, because the execution log is no longer there. 

This is counterintuitive for troubleshooting, because now we have to wait for this to happen again before we can catch what happened the first time.  

The worst part is that even though you couldn’t access the old logs in Bionic, at least you were able to tell the rule executed.
Right now, they will not even show up in the execution logs. So if you have any rule that executes every 90 days or more, you will only have one record, so if that is the 10th time the rule executed or the first is anybody’s guess...


Bionic vs Horizon Rules - Execution logs UI

I found this limitation yesterday trying to troubleshoot a rule, consulted with Support and they told me it was actually intended behaviour.
So, here is the idea submission if anyone is interested:


Absolutely needed. The rule chain workaround is functional, but looking at the UI that is very much bionic, it may be short lived.