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Improvements needed to Gainsight Home widget click-thrus/drill-downs

Related products: CS Other Features

I like the concept of being able to quickly click thru and see Open, Overdue and CTAs due this week, but the implementation isn’t as useful as it could be. 

  1.  Four columns max is too limiting (especially as it relates to #3 below). At a minimum we need to see the CTA Name, Status, Company, Due Date AND Owner. I realize this is a summary, but those are all the key details a user needs to see at a glance.
  2. Changes to the column order revert back when you leave the click-thru.  Allow user to choose if they want changes to the column order be sticky. 
  3. It shows ALL CTAs for an account to which the filtered user is associated, but doesn’t allow for the ability to only view CTAs they own. Need a checkbox or something a user can select to “show only CTAs I own”
  4.  LINK TO THE CTA.  What is the point in showing the CTAs if there is no way to click-thru directly to it?
  5. For the love of Pete: BE MINDFUL OF WHITE SPACE.  This is just embarrassing:

This is all in addition to the fact that when you click on the Distribution by Health widget, it does not show the scores (see below) which is clearly a bug for which I’ve opened a support ticket.

I’m sure I’ll find additional items to add here.



I’d quote this, but then I’d just be quoting everything @darkknight wrote so eloquently.

This, all of this! 👆

@ophirsw @dstokowski @pgeorge Please help. The whitespace plague continues 🤢

This all would be a great improvement. Particularly on the Cockpit widget which I think is confusing for users in its current state without filters for ownership. The improvement ideas listed for that would be very helpful