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This request is to increase the dashboard widget limit to 40 so that it will be useful to integrate all of the necessary keypoints in a single place when integrating with several external systems.


I agree with Mary that the widget limit should be increased to more than 30. It's not enough to share all the metrics on one page for our users. I think it should be increased to more than 40 as well. I hope the feature will be implemented in this way. Thanks

I agree! 

Would really like to see this implemented - especially for teams like mine, who use the rich text widgets to break up dashboards to be more legible. When you have data-hungry execs who already find it taxing to use global filters, it can be a hard sell to combine widgets and get them to go to drill-downs for all the information they want. A direct quote from my org “Execs just want to look at things”. So, help me to help them look at things. Thanks for considering.

A direct quote from my org “Execs just want to look at things”. So, help me to help them look at things. 



Editing filters adds time. Time = money. Subtracting time = efficiency. Execs like efficiency.

Please! We’ve hit the widget count limit a handful of times over the years. It’s really hard to start removing important widgets to make room for other important widgets… I rather be able to add them all and not have to rank important vs. more important and lose insights due to removed reports.