@dayn.johnson I seem to remember a few discussions around how best to mitigate recipient-side email security (“bot clicks”) from distorting JO analytics, but I don’t know if there was ever an idea put forward for it?
@Stuart -- hero, thank you for tagging me here!
Don’t know of any other ideas, we’ve got a workaround we built (bot exclusion checkbox) in our Domo reporting dashboard, but it’d be nice to be able to trust the JO analytics in our reports and dashboards!
As a follow-up (this comment seemed worth its own spot rather than an edit):
Another issue with these inflated bot clicks is that I would imagine these false positives lead to evaluate steps checking for “link clicked” to being incorrectly applied when they’re used in journey logic, which could result in negative consequences.
Not sure how this would be tested easily, but definitely worth consideration.