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Min & max functions needed

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

Huge need to be able to have Min/Max functions across multiple fields. Have run into massive pains getting down to a single value across multiple fields in Rules/DD, and have hit limitations in case statements that have created dozens of hours on workarounds.

It sounds like the core ask here is to be able to apply a Field vs Field filter to >2 fields at once, which I think is reasonable. Consider the following use-case…


  • I have data on Company for multiple currency fields representing different ‘buckets’ - Renewal $’s, Upsell $’s, one-time $’s.
  • I would like to consolidate the MAXIMUM value from any one of these fields in to a single output field (‘Most $’s’) for all customers


Currently, I’d need to run a series of tasks to pre-aggregate the data and then methodically pare it down with a series of Field=Field filters in Case statements. The number of tasks required for this grows quickly when you add a 4th/5th/6th field etc.


A specific function to pick min/max from any of several input fields, and output it as a single field, would save a lot of admin work and extraneous tasks cluttering up the rule. This would also make it MUCH less likely that I’ll run out of Cases or tasks in the course of building.