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Participant Preview in JO after Evaluate branch split should only show applicable particiants

Related products: CS Journey Orchestrator, Email & Notifications

When splitting out branch criteria followed by an email in the new JO, when I preview one of the emails I expect to ONLY see participants that match the criteria in that branch. It does not make sense to show the admin a preview of ALL participants or not having some indicator that your branch filtering criteria is effectively set up until after you publish. There is too much risk associated with that. 

I went crazy the other day when working on a program in dynamic JO and could see a participant present in all branches of my email send when previewing it. I wasted ample time thinking that my logic isn’t working as expected before reaching out to support who then confirmed that the preview step doesn’t honours the criteria in evaluate step and lists all the participants 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽