Admin Office Hours - January 26th, 2017

  • 19 January 2017
  • 4 replies

This thread is for the Admin Office Hours session for Thursday January 26th, 

2017.  Submit your questions to this thread and we'll address them during our session at 11am PST/ 1pm CST.

To register for this session, please click here.

4 replies

Hi Evan, I would like to learn more about the impact of the "Snooze" button for a CTA (what date field is it updating, how it is considered by the overall CTA report provided by Gainsight out-of-the-box, etc).

Thank you in advance!

P.S. Please send me an invite for this Thursday session at (I can't find the meeting info anymore).
Hi Evan,


would like someone to review with us ticket #19071


desire is to report on Gsnap usage by our CSM team. Since our CCO was somewhat

reluctant to fund Gsnap, as administrators we want the ability to

create a report that shows how often our CSMs are using the Gsnap

functionality. Which of the CSMs is using Gsnap? Who are they sending messages

to? On what subject? How often are they using the feature, etc. This will help

demonstrate value to our CCO.


the answer received via the ticket is incomplete. Your GS support team built us

a report off email logs, but we can't pull in subject; nor is it clear if we

can show which CSM sent the message.

Can you


Userlevel 2
Badge +2
I am having an issue with an MDA field not showing up in the rules engine. Haven't heard back from Steve, can you help?
Office Hours are starting now! Click here to join.
