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Admin Office Hours - March 17th, 2016

  • 14 March 2016
  • 8 replies

This thread is for the Admin Office Hours session for Thursday March 17th, 

2016.  Submit your questions to this thread and we'll add them to our 

topics list below!


To register for this session, please click here.

Current Topic List:

  • TBD
Post-session, we will update this article with a summary of answered 

questions and link portions of the video for those who could not attend.
The registration page for this says that the time is Friday 3/18 @ 2am-3am EDT. Is this actually at Thursday 3/17 @ 2pm-3pm EDT?
Thanks Dave ... simple correction (AM vs PM).
Unfortunately can't make this one. Are the office hours always on Thursdays @ 2-3pm EDT?
Yes, typically.  We're open to scheduling alternative sessions to spread out times.  Open to suggestions!
That works great! Just want to bookmark it for next week. Thanks!
The main thing that I would like to discuss is the Scorecard. There is a "Today" point in time on the historical view. I would like to discuss how that populates and how to report on it.
I would like to cover the below question: I would like to add a rule in which it automatically calculates

the following for the customer’s scorecard:

Set customer’s ‘support’ scorecard to green if:

70% of the total tickets submitted have a priority ticket of

High or Urgent

The formula will be for EACH customer:

% of tickets submitted with a priority ticket of High or Urgent

= (# of ticket priority is High or Urgent for the customer) / (total tickets

with a ticket status of open or new or pending submitted by the customer)
please confirm the next office hour is at 3/31 and the time and contact information
