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Hello everyone!


This thread is for our upcoming Thursday Admin Office Hours session on Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 253 252 739

Password: 864010


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Trying to do a ‘Send Email’ task based on a Playbook configuration fed into a CTA.  Ultimately I’m just trying to send a CSAT Survey link - email template from a JO Program - as a one off to a client contact that wasn’t an original recipient of the automated survey.  Setting up Playbook and CTA fine.  Going to preview the email and send and it generates an error.  I’ll try to add a screenshot.


Hi Scott, I want to make sure I’ve set up my scorecards correctly to account for Null values in the health measures. I want the weight to be taken out of the calculation and allocated to the populated measures. Do I do something with exceptions in the Scorecard configuration?

Hi Scott, we’re changing our SFDC domain from to next week. I’m trying to think through any potential impact on Gainsight, and the one thing that popped up is our bcc to timeline configuration. I’m wondering if there’s anything I need to update with that and also if there’s anything else I might be missing too. Thanks!

@sdrostgainsightcom Hi Scott, I wanted to follow up on my question. I checked an account where one of the measures was N/A but it doesn’t look like the weight is re-allocating. Shouldn’t I see CSM sentiment be weighted 100% since NPS Health is NA?


Hi @jkolle -- it’s possible that we don’t change the % in the new scorecard UI to show the effective weight - just what’s been configured?


Is the Group Score reflective of those weightings?  I think I need to test a bit with add’l measures in my dev org to be sure - will do so before the next Office Hours.

@sdrostgainsightcom Yes, those weights are what is configured in the scorecard (See below screenshot). If a customer has no NPS I would assume that the weight would reallocate to the other measures in the group. Since there is only one CSM Sentiment would be weighted 100% for that measure group. Looking for some verification that this is what is happening in the tool as expected based on the documentation. Thank you for the follow up and looking further into this for me! Let me know if a ticket should be opened.

