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Different Engagement Schedule for Different Region

  • 22 February 2023
  • 4 replies

We’ve created an engagement in Gainsight PX with information about features in our latest release. The release deploys to different regions (Australia, Japan, South Africa, North America, etc.) at different times. Can we schedule the engagement for different times based on region, or will we need to create different engagements?

Hi @scstickel 

Thank-you for reaching out to us on community.

I would like to know more details about your use case.

  1. What is the type of engagement you wanted to target? (eg: Guide/Dialog/Email/Survey/Slider)
  2. What is the type of content you wanted to target via engagement? (eg: is it about your release notes?/ Maintenance notification? etc)
  3. How different the triggering of the engagement will impact the users across the timezone?
  4. How frequent you will come across this kind of scenario?
  5. What criteria are you looking to qualify the audience to see the engagement? (eg: Upon clicking some button? / Visiting a particular page? / Based on data in a user or account attribute?

By providing the aforementioned information, you will enable our support staff to offer a solution or workaround and, in the event that none of them work, you will enable our product team to examine and gain a better understanding of the use case.



Dileep Nalla

@dileepnalla Thank you, Dileep!

  1. Slider.
  2. Release notes.
  3. I’m not quite sure what this question is asking … the deploys for each region are days and sometimes even weeks apart, so timezones don’t solve the issue. Our goal is that users are shown the release announcement slider on the day the release is deployed in their region, no earlier or later.
  4. Frequently. For all our releases, we deploy at different times for different regions.
  5. Visiting a particular page.


I appreciate the thorough information. 

I have a strategy that can assist you in resolving your use case.

Please give it a try and let us know if it works.


By Using of Global Context.


Assume all the regions are on version 1.0, so that the value is set as below. 

Taking Australia, and Japan region as an example:

aptrinsic('set', 'globalContext', {"version":1.0, "Region":"Australia"});
aptrinsic('set', 'globalContext', {"version":1.0, "Region":"Japan"});

Once the you the deployment is done for Australia, then update the version attribute in the global context

aptrinsic('set', 'globalContext', {"version":2.0, "Region":"Australia"});

Remember, at this stage, Japan is still under version 1.0.


You can set the audience logic in the engagement with filter criteria as version 2.0 and qualification scope as only once per user.

With the above logic the engagement will only be shown if the users are on 2.0, you can automatically set the global context via code and can be updated once the complete deployment is done.


If you have an challenges in implementing this, please feel free to reach us on

referring this community post, we are happy to assist you.




Dileep Nalla







@dileepnalla Thank you!

At this point in time, we’ve decided to just add regions to the audience logic as we go along our deployment timeline. That seems to be the easiest way to handle this.
