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How to setup a product using a dynamic url

Our product will have a different url for each customer. So, I need to setup the url to be dynamic. The product url needs to be something like this: “https://$” I see articles to use “$px-auto-resolve” for referencing links to dynamic urls, but not sure that is how to configure a product url.

Hi Philip,


We use px-auto-resolve while creating a multi-page Guide engagement or a KC bot which redirects users to other URL’s, which are dynamic in nature.

For Example,

If you have a URL like this ( ) where the subdomain(in this case “abc”) is different for each user, You can use “https://$”. For more use cases, refer to the usage table in the document.
You can use it in the redirect URLs in the actions of the engagement- along with other places of redirect URL’s in PX.

Note: Px auto-resolve keyword cannot be used in the engagement audience logic.


Thanks, let me add this screenshot to help explain what I am talking about. 


Hi Philip,

If you are adding a new product and want to understand the URL required for the products page to generate the Product tag, I want to inform you that the URL you enter there, is for informational purposes only and It does not need to correspond to an actual domain. What you enter here does not impact your use of Gainsight PX.
Doc for reference:

You can put an example subdomain in the URL, like this: OR

Thank you!
