Recording: Charting the Way to Success: How Autodesk's Used Gainsight PX to Steer Users Toward Product Adoption

  • 1 November 2023
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Userlevel 4

Autodesk, a powerhouse in diverse industries, including architecture, engineering, construction, and design, made significant waves in the realm of Saas solutions within their water portfolio. But with great power came a set of unique challenges, particularly concerning user onboarding, adoption, and customer retention.

Here's the journey they embarked upon:

🌐 Introduction to Autodesk and Its Water Portfolio: Autodesk, has a wide product range that serves various industries. With a focus on their water product portfolio, including Saas solutions, their aim was to provide groundbreaking solutions in a competitive landscape.


🔑 Challenges and New Product Launches: They faced headwinds concerning user onboarding, adoption, and retention. This prompted them to launch new Saas products within their water portfolio. They started product launches in 2020 and 2021.

🛤️ Onboarding and User Journey: They believed that a seamless onboarding experience is key. Identifying user personas, setting clear goals, and leveraging customer success and a self-service model to guide customers was their blueprint.

🚀 Enabling Gainsight PX for Analytics: To make data-driven decisions, Autodesk injected JavaScript tags into their products to enable event tracking. They harnessed the power of GainSight PX to measure feature usage and user engagement, unlocking insights into user behavior and optimisation metrics.

🔍 User Journey Workshop and Discoveries: A workshop was conducted involving Customer Success, Product Management, and UX teams. A whiteboard exercise mapped the customer onboarding journey. This workshop uncovered invaluable insights, including the time lag between receiving a welcome email and meaningful product interaction. Challenges related to data import emerged as a barrier to user engagement.


Interesting right? To learn more of the solutions and the outcomes view the full webinar here:



Autodesk's journey exemplifies the importance of understanding customer journeys, setting clear goals, and continuously analyzing data to enhance user onboarding and drive customer success. Their partnership with Gainsight PX empowers them to make data-driven decisions and improve the overall user experience for their water portfolio.


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