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Surveys about engagements

Are any of you using a survey to ask customers to provide feedback about guides?

I understand that it is not possible to capture which guide triggered a specific survey response. But I was wondering whether it is possible to use either Funnel or Path Analyzer to see the relationship between surveys about engagements and the guides. For example:

  • Which engagements were used before surveys with certain results (positive or negative votes on engagement)?
  • Which engagements lead to positive votes (or negative votes)?
  • Positive (or negative votes) come from people recently running which engagements?
  • Specific votes (e.g. needs a video) come from people running which engagements?

@mmarques - this is exactly the reason i upvoted this:  

Using URL parameters, I could provide a link to the anonymous survey within the engagement and use a URL parameter to know which engagement the user came from.

Interesting idea @rterakedis 

Perhaps a survey one day after completing an engagement? I looked at a boolean survey and could add an engagement in the audience rules.

… just a thought. :)


@JayS - I understand that I can trigger a survey to launch after an engagement. However, the survey can be triggered by multiple engagements, how can I tell which engagements are leading to a positive rating and which to a negative rating?

@mmarques  good point. I should have read your initial post more carefully. My idea would have to be a 1:1 between engagement and survey, and having that many surveys would be a tracking issue on its own. 

@JayS - Yeah, that’s a lot to track when we have many product tags, each with a bunch of engagements.  I realize that we will have a separate survey in each product tag, but that is fine.

@mmarques - for the time being, I set up a boolean survey with the option to provide more detail (text box), but it only pops up for users when they’ve completed all the guides in a “set” of guides.   It’s more-or-less just a “did you find these useful” and not specific to a single guide.

@rterakedis - That’s an interesting idea for the interim. We were thinking of having the survey sit in the KC bot, but realized that might not get as much feedback or more likely to get feedback from people wanting to complain. 
