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URL Rule or Inferred Location for International In-App Engagements?

Thinking about running an international in-app engagement but wondering what your audience logic should be? Don’t worry, you have options!



If you are bringing in location as an attribute to PX, its simple as 1,2,3. But what if you are unsure where your customers are actually located? 


Don’t worry, we got you. Here are your options for moving forward:


In Audience Logic:

  1. “Location” criteria is based on data you provide/send to PX, which is as accurate as location data you have in your business systems.
  2. “Inferred Location” criteria is based on geolocation matching based on the user’s IP Address, which is not 100% accurate, but pretty good if you do not have any/good location data in your business systems to pass to PX.
  3. “URL” criteria can be good if there is something in the URL’s domain, path, and/or query parameters that indicates the user’s location.


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