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Better triggers, more data, more actions in the Zapier app

  • 19 January 2022
  • 4 replies

We’re excited to announce that we have updated our Zapier app with:

  • Enhanced product information in existing triggers and search actions

  • Enabling awarding badges and roles in actions


What do these new triggers and actions enable

  • You can add to a trigger a product area. The product area carries over to your actions. Your actions can now be directed to specific product areas. 

  • You can now automate awarding badges and roles. Use the information from triggers and other actions like searches to remove the burden of awarding badges and roles one by one.

How can you 🌶️️️ spice up your triggers and actions


Enhanced data in existing triggers

We have added more information to the existing New TopicUpdated Moderator Tags, and Product Updates triggers. For these 3 triggers, you can now also access "Product Areas'' in the data for Ideas. Enabling further details in your Zapier triggers. You can use this new information to push ideas that have a particular product area to an engineering slack channel so that your team is instantly notified.

Enhanced data in existing Searches action and new search action

We have enhanced Search action with 'Likes Given' in Find User.
We added a new  Get Assigned Points of User Search action. This action retrieves all-times points earned by a user.


Improved gamification automation control

We added two new actions to our Zapier app: Award badge and Award role. You can use these zapier actions to simply enhance user profiles in the community. 
Awarding users a badge in the community when they complete a course or earn a certification in your academy, is a common use-case we planned. Using the Award badge zapier action you can set up this integration in just a few minutes.


Get started with the following guides:


As always, we’d love to hear your feedback or any questions you have about this release.

This is HUGE for us! Made my day when I saw this!
I’d obviously love to see more of this built in to the product itself, but this is a massive help for us for our processes!

Nice to see this. Looking forward to giving it a spin!

@Alex Campos more is always better on Zapier, but I couldn’t help noticing that you can award a badge but not revoke them. 

It’s a real shame since it could have meant a great workaround for at least 2 use cases:

  • Expiring certificates* (The one we will be tackling)
  • Superseding badges** (Raised by @Jurgen )


*The idea of having certifications that need to be renewed every year and hence the matching badge in the community needs to be revoked to reflect the expiry.

**See below:


Great input, I'll certainly add it to our list of enhancements to the Zapier App.
Thank you for linking it here.