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Mega Menu UX Experiment

  • 25 February 2022
  • 0 replies

Over the past few months, we heard your feedback about the Mega Menu. You expressed some concerns about the KB and community overview pages not being easier to discover in the Mega Menu.

We would like to run an experiment and test a slightly different UX in the Mega Menu to improve the discoverability of theses pages. The idea is to run this test on a few communities and see if the discoverability of the KB and community overview pages increases. 


What are the changes we would we like to test:

The change itself is actually quite small. They only apply to the "Community" and "Knowledge Base" entries of the Mega Menu. 

Here is a small video of myself explaining the new UX we would like to test, taking as an example the Knowledge Base overview :sunglasses:


To note: This will not change the navigation on mobile in any way :)

You can also check out this new UX in our own community InSpired. 


What metrics will we be looking at:

We will be looking at the overall number of view of the KB overview and Community overview pages. 

We will also monitor the clicks in the Mega Menu and compare the number of flows where the users accessed these overview pages through the Mega Menu. 

Overall we will check to see if we see an increase in those metrics. 


How long will be the test:

We will run the test for 2 weeks starting on Monday the 7th March 2022.

To take part in the test, we kindly ask two requirements:

  • You are using the KB overview and/or the Community overview page. You can take part if the test if you are only using one of these pages.

For example: You use the KB overview but not the Community overview page. 

  • The KB overview will be accessible like described in the above video
  • On hover on the "Community" entry of the Mega Menu, the community dropdown will appear. Upon clicking on the "Community" entry of the Mega Menu the users will not redirect to any page, as you are not using the Community overview page. 
  • We simply ask that you don't do any major changes to your homepage during those the two weeks of the test. You can of course update features topics but for instance adding or removing a link to the KB overview on your homepage could bias the results. 

Please comment below if you would like to take part in this test. Thanks a lot for your help on this :)


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