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Single user topic and Average response time now can be filtered by Content Type

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Single user topic and Average response time now can be filtered by Content Type

In our success dashboard we have a compilation of important content metrics, mainly related to Questions and Answers, but not all of them. For those not associated with Q&A such as Single user topics and Average response time, you asked us if you could filter them out by content type to exclude, for example, articles or other content types that are not designed to elicit replies.

We found the opportunity to move these two KPIs to Content Dashboard where Content Type filter is already available and now you can apply it also to these metrics.  

This is the first step to bigger changes we planned to Success Dashboard that will become purely Q&A Dashboard with some additional filtering options.


2 Questions about Single User Topics:



I suppose the “Single User Topics” statistic does not consider replies from OP (the original author), right? 





How do the user role filters work here?
Do they filter just on the author on the question or also in general, those who responded?


to explain how our community works: Essentially, only “Personio Customers” ask questions in our Community.  We would like to know how many of these questions did have involvement from another “Personio Customer”.

Or otherwise reverse, how many did not have involvement by Personio Customers but only from our Moderator and the author.


This, combined with “Answered by Peer” will give us a great overview of how the level of peer support is. The limitation of Best Answer the “winner takes it all”  - often our moderators get the “best answer” but it would be also good to know in case other customers helped solve the problem.

  • Is it possible to filter on roles for this single metric?


For the example in the picture above, can confidently assume that those 35 topics are the ones where only another end user (Customer) responded?


Hi @Daniele Cmty 

The complete description of current metrics Success Dashboard included you can find in this article: 

it says: 

“Excludes spam/trashed/deleted topics.

Includes topics with no reply, as well as topics which only have replies from the user who started the topic (spam/trashed replies do not count).

This metric takes into account replies that are moved/promoted to topics, as well as topics that are converted to replies.”

As far as the current Success Dashboard is concerned, the user role filter applies to the question's author. The upcoming improvement we designed and are about to do is to add an additional filter: the user role of the answer's author.

Awesome, thank you so much for clarifying!

The upcoming improvement we designed and are about to do is to add an additional filter: the user role of the answer's author.

This is incredibly helpful and will help us better understand how much % of user questions do rely on our moderator’s input vs are entirely self-sufficient (with the help of other peers)

thank you so much

I look forward to that.
Do you have aaaany kind of approximate ETA for when that will be implemented?
Just to know if I can include that metric to our OKRs for H1 2023.

@Daniele Cmty we are talking to Santa if he will have space in his bag to bring it for Xmas :-)


Oh cool, 🙂 Thank you for sharing this info. You have my full understanding if it comes out later though :)



@Daniele Cmty 

Santa was kind to us and even arrived earlier than usual and promised to come back with more improvements soon. Please check 🎅🏼 sack.

Amazing! 😍👌