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Widget Library

Widget Library

Over the last few years, we’ve grown out our widget offering, to help you build and customize your customer hub. Today, we’re launching our all-new Widget Library, to make sure you can find the right widgets for your situation, and better showcase all the available widgets.

What’s new?

Previously, if you wanted to insert a widget on your homepage, you’d see a long dropdown of unsorted widgets with a title and a description (see left). The new Widget Library (see right) will offer a better view of all widgets available to you, allow you to filter by category and see a preview image of the widget. This helps you better assess which widget you’d like to insert, without having to insert it to see what it actually does. 

Old widget library vs. new widget library

Furthermore, we’ve made sure that all widgets are now available on all pages that currently support customization (homepage, Community Overview (when enabled), Knowledge Base Overview, Ideas and Product Updates). For instance, that means that you can now insert Ideas widgets on the homepage, or add a Quick Links widget to the Product Updates page. In Q3, we’ll also enable widgets on the Groups and Events overview pages, as well on Custom pages later this year. 

We’d like to hear from you!

What’s your favorite widget? And what would you really like to see a widget for?

Great implementation, it makes it really clear. Love the additional of the visuals. 

We’re looking to apply a 4 width widget, much like you have across the homepage. We currently using a QuickLink, with customer code. However, it would be great to have a widget does this for us. 

Will one of the existing available widgets allow for this, or is it still pending for release? 



Thanks @Stuart.cruttenden! Currently, it can only be achieved using custom code. We’re looking at options to support both 3 and 4-column wide quick links, so thanks for this additional context! 

Hi Seb,

I agree with Stuart above and we would also love a 4th widget option for the Quick Links widget.

Another option would be to format the Quick Links widgets that use icons to take up less space like the Small Category cards with the icon to the left of the text instead of above. This makes the widgets take less space vertically, which minimizes the need to scroll--which allows us to maximize the top real estate of the page.


I think it could also be nice if the Container 2:1 widget allowed us to switch format to 1:2. This would open up some other layout options,


I love that we have an HTML widget available which really allows us to build anything. It’s a blank canvas. But since most of us Community Managers are not developers, it’s difficult to just write code line-by-line, and I don’t have access to developer tools to help build the HTML. It would be great if the HTML could toggle to a wysiwyg editor like Froala or at least what is available when creating topics to help us build the pages ourselves.

Thanks for the additional context @Chelsea Roberts, very helpful! I also like the idea of making them more like small category cards to take up less space. 

For visibility, I’m also looping in our awesome Product Designer @Silviu and Product Manager @Sudhanshu, so they’re aware of these requests and context. 

As for containers, we plan to make some improvements there soon by offering more column options than only the full width or 2:1 containers we offer now.