CS Ops & Gainsight Admins at Pulse 2022: Know-Before-You-Go!

  • 1 August 2022
  • 9 replies

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  • Gainsight Employee: ACE
  • 550 replies

This post is for Pulse in 2022. If you’re looking for a later year, check your search results again! 🙂

If you’re in CS Ops or are a Gainsight Admin, here’s how to get the most out of Pulse!

The “All About Pulse” area is live for the ramp-up to Pulse. Speakers got things started by posting about their sessions, including in the CS Ops track. During Pulse, we’ll be directing attendees here to post their questions, reactions, and  ‘aha moments’. So, to get ready, create an account, put a pic and info in your profile, and post a comment about the one thing you most want to learn about this year. (This is the one area of Pulse that is open to people who have not purchased tickets.)


  • Pulse Academy Live (registration required)
    • Gainsight 101: Gainsight Admin Foundations
    • Gainsight Admin 200 Series
  • Gainsight Admin Happy Hour 🍻
    • We’re thrilled to get admins together with the only other people in the world who can appreciate an elegant Bionic Query! Gainsight is providing drinks and appetizers.
    • 5:30-8:30pm
    • No registration required
    • Black Hammer Brewing, 544 Bryant St -- 10 min walk from the Pulse venue (Moscone West)


  • Gainsight Admin Coaching Roundtables: For Gainsight Administrators attending Pulse 2022 in-person, we're creating an opportunity for you to come away with customized, tactical coaching from an expert admin. Plus, you'll meet fellow admins who you can feel comfortable connecting with in the future. Limited seats; registration required.
  • The “CS Ops Clubhouse” is a space just for folks like you, located near the breakout rooms. You’ll find networking all day, plus a gut-level contentment that you could ask literally anyone who’s there about prioritization, data, change management, or whatever other Ops topic is on your mind these days.
  • Visit the “Ask a Gainsight Expert” desk to dig into any technical Gainsight topics on your mind.
  • Grab a seat in the CS Ops breakout track, and you can just ride that ride ‘til you drop! Filter the agenda for “Location” > “Turning CS Ops Into A Strategic Advantage”.
    • After each session in this breakout track, you can hop across the hall to the CS Ops Clubhouse for a casual chat with the presenters/panelists.
    • Other tracks also have great sessions for CS Ops! Try filtering the agenda for “Journey” > “CS Operations".


  • CS Ops Roundtable Breakfast: Health Scoring
    • Have breakfast with other CS Ops pros! You’ll meet folks who you can say hi to over the next few days, and join in a casual discussion about health scoring.
    • 7-8am
    • In the CS Ops Clubhouse
    • No registration required
    • Breakfast served on location (you don’t need to pick up breakfast in the Expo Hall)
  • Gainsight Global Admins Happy Hour
    • Gainsight admins have organized their own happy hour, bringing their meetups and Slack group into the real world at long last!
    • 8pm-10pm
    • Limited capacity -- registration required


  • CS Ops Roundtable Breakfast: Digital-Led Customer Success
    • Have breakfast with other CS Ops pros! Whether you call it digital-led, tech-touch, customer marketing, or something else, come join this casual discussion about the challenges and successes of crafting a program.
    • 7-8am
    • In the CS Ops Clubhouse
    • No registration required
    • Breakfast served on location (you don’t need to pick up breakfast in the Expo Hall)
  • Pulse Party 🥳
    • Our Events team does AMAZING work, so you gotta be there! Celebrate an amazing week with everyone who you’ve met.

9 replies

Userlevel 7
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So incredibly excited!!!!

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Are there any virtual sessions for Admins? I am not able to attend in person but would love to join sessions virtually.

Userlevel 7
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@sue.noblette Thanks for asking! Aside from the breakout sessions for ticket-holders (a number of which are super relevant for admins, particularly in the CS Ops track), and since there are already regular admin meetups virtually, we swung the pendulum hard towards organizing events this week for folks who might have trouble finding each other face-to-face. The virtual platform, though, offers a number of ways to connect with other virtual attendees, so certainly take advantage of anything that lets you put yourself out there beyond “Person quietly multi-tasking”! 😄

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Can’t wait to meet everyone! 

Userlevel 7
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Ringing in post-Pulse to say THANK YOU for all of the CSOps-centered content and networking opportunities. My heart is full, which is not often something one says coming home from a work conference.

Also, the CSOps Clubhouse was a great add this year. I knew I could walk in there, see familiar faces, catch up on work, ask someone to meet me there. Loved having a home base at Pulse.

Userlevel 7
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Are there any virtual sessions for Admins? I am not able to attend in person but would love to join sessions virtually.

@sue.noblette Pulse sessions are now available at  PULSE LIBRARY.

All Pulse attendees would have received your login details via email. 

Userlevel 5
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@seth Any chance the CS Ops Clubhouse and breakfast roundtables will be back at Pulse Europe?

Userlevel 7
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@seth Any chance the CS Ops Clubhouse and breakfast roundtables will be back at Pulse Europe?

Thanks for asking, @Jef Vanlaer ! There were several hurdles that got in the way of spinning up those CS Ops experiences at Pulse Europe, sadly.

If you wanted to pull together something casual, I’m sure we would be happy to help spread the word! The closest thing to being “official” about the admin-organized happy hour in San Francisco (below), for example, was that it had me bumping around at it 😄 I bet that @gunjanm would be glad to create an event in that Meetup group, too, for any admin-inclusive get-together you thought of.

