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To better follow workflow, I'd like to recommend a change to the order of links in the CoPilot sidebar. It has always seemed strange to me that Power Lists were first. The first thing I do when working on outreaches is draft the email. Here would be the proposed order:

  1. Templates

  2. Power Lists

  3. Advanced Outreaches*

  4. Outreaches

  5. Analytics
* The reason I chose for Advanced Outreaches to be 3rd instead of the 5th they are now is because more and more customers are moving to Advanced Outreaches. It would better map the workflow for this to be 3rd versus 5th.
Interesting idea Lane. For me, I follow the "Who", "What", "When", and "How" mindset. This translates to PowerList, Template, AO/Outreach. Admittedly, the When/How is one item. 

I'm not against the change, but wanted to bring up another way to think about it. 
Updated idea statusUnder ConsiderationDeprecation Planned
