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Maintenance Window :   Between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM ,Thursday September 1st 2016  CST

Queues Hold Time :  2 Hours


Activity :  Gainsight has planned a scheduled deployment on MDA (Backend Infrastructure) as Minor Release. During this maintenance Rules will be in hold state for about 2 Hour. Soon after the deployment, all queues will resume as normal.

This deployment includes following feature/bug fixes:

  • Delete action on Custom Objects are not working, due to which customers are not able to remove unused fields. This feature is extensively used to do regular clean up of the objects.The fix will ensure delete behavior will work now

  • Outreach from CoPilot has a feature to create Salesforce activities. Salesforce activity creation is failing while uploading the documents due to connectivity issues. In this fix, we gracefully handle the exception and create Salesforce activity for rest of the email other than attachments and inline images


Impact Details : PRODUCTION Environment

Gainsight Application  - SFDC  :  NO IMPACT

Data Ingestion Queue - MDA :  NO IMPACT

Rules Engine Queue  - MDA :  Delay of about 2 Hour expected

Data Processor Queue - MDA :  NO IMPACT



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The deployment completed successfully.
