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How do you measure performance for your Copilot/1:M focal?

  • 12 June 2016
  • 1 reply

For those who have a resource dedicated to Copilot / 1-to-many communications, how are you measuring that person's performance?  

If that person is responsible for a large volume of smaller accounts, are you measuring retention, usage, NPS, etc... but with different targets than other tiers?  

If that person is not responsible for a specific set of customers but rather handles Copilot outreach across your entire CSM team, how are you measuring their performance?
Great question, Elaine! I think there may be some lessons to learn from the world of automated marketing. I was reading this blog by HubSpot and it got me thinking about 1:many CSM activities.

Activity Metrics

  • Number of Emails Sent - If volume is worth tracking for Marketing, then why not for CS?

  • Setup of Quality Behavioral Triggers - Hubspot says marketers "should have quality behavioral triggers set up in the software". For CS, this might mean targeting specific customers, like those with low usage. It's all about sending the right message to the right customer at the right time!
Response Metrics

  • Open and Click-Through Rate - Seems to apply equally well to CS.

  • Reconversions - In the case of Marketing, we're talking about prospects responding to offers in automated emails. In the case of CS, engagement might be the better goal. Perhaps include a valuable link in every email template and track click rates.

  • Unsubscribe Rate - A good way to make sure you're not inundating customers with noise.
Efficiency Metrics

  • Cost Per Customer - This is an interesting concept. There's an argument that this metric would be equally valuable for CS. After all, the financial goal of a 1:many program should be to manage the largest portfolio with the best renewal rate using the least amount of resources.

  • MQLs Generated Through Lead Nurturing - What's the equivalent of a marketing qualified lead? Consider the goal of driving expansion & advocacy. Use surveys to allow customers to indicate their interest in new products or to self-select into a referral program.

  • Sales-Accepted Leads - Tag opportunities as 1:many generated and track them like any other lead.
Value Metrics

  • Revenue Generated - What is the financial yield of all these great customer references & upsell/crossell opportunities?

  • Close Rate on Marketing-Sourced Leads - Okay, this one has me stumped. I can't think of a parallel to CS here. Gold star for anyone who can come up with one :-)
