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Can community members save their viewing default to newest replies first?

  • 26 January 2021
  • 3 replies

One of our community members has posted in our ideas board that it would be useful if  his preferred viewing of topics - which is newest replies first - can be saved.

He currently has to change the default each time he opens a topic.

I’m wondering - is this possibly a cookies question? That is, if he accepts all levels of cookies, will his default remain saved?

If not, I suppose I could raise this as a request.

Any thoughts anyone? Thanks! 


Hey @m4rc - I don’t believe it’s possible right now to save this preference. We add a sort to the URL (so a browser bookmark would work, e.g. 

Hey @m4rc - I don’t believe it’s possible right now to save this preference. We add a sort to the URL (so a browser bookmark would work, e.g. 

Hi @daniel.boon He would need to paste that to the URL for each section or topic?

Ah - I just noticed that the member wants this on the topic level rather than the category level, but yes the same principle applies @m4rc 


There is no platform capability that enables a user to set this topic ordering by default - it’s something a user can choose on an individual topic level (and even then, the preference only applies whilst viewing/browsing through that topic - if you come back, the ordering is set back to the default).
