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Hey Community! I am wondering if it’s possible to create a custom leaderboard in addition to the current widget you can set up for points? We use the current leaderboard functionality throughout the regular Community. We also have a new Champion Program where it would be awesome to track and showcase the results of those individuals are participating in on a custom page. Has anyone tried to do this? If so, can you share how you accomplished this?

Thanks for all your thoughts! 

I’m nearly positive this isn’t possible beyond the sidebar widget (thus when you click the link to open the leaderboard, it does not maintain the customized view)

Depending on the technical resources at your disposal, you could potentially build an HTML code version of this on a custom page using the HTML widget and the API operations to get the leaderboard, then filtering the data for your subset, then somehow getting that to show via a third-party script or automation that populates your HTML widget. But my guess is that would be 100x more headache than the value you’d get for it. 

A simpler version would be to post in a dedicated forum at certain intervals using the API

  1. Get the leaderboard via the API
  2. Filter the data in your automation (unfortunately you can exclude roles, but can’t set it only-include certain roles)
  3. Use that data to automate a post into a specific forum or reply to a specific thread

I do something like that with my weekly leaderboard. See the comments here. I also automated awarding a badge as part of this.  
