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I noticed that I cant add topics from the Groups to the DCW. With my usecase I would like to use DCW with Custom Pages but I can see this benefical in the community front page as well.

Is this feature coming in the future?


On the near-term, we don’t have plans to allow you to select content from Groups in the dynamic content widget, mainly because of permissions (eg. showing content from a group to users that don’t have access to a group, or aren’t logged in at all, would mean that they would see an empty widget). 

Could you share some use cases for wanting to share content from a specific group on a custom page or on the the homepage of the community?

Could you share some use cases for wanting to share content from a specific group on a custom page or on the the homepage of the community?

First of all, as we know Groups home page isn´t customizable at all. I would like to add some background story (copy) there; “What the groups is all about”. I know how to add image to the Groups home page but it isnt so handy and it doesnt look so good.

Secondly, Groups home page and the groups cards are a bit “stiff”. I mean how the layout looks like when you have joined to certain group and there is other groups you can join. The cards and their behaviour isnt so good.

So, I have created a Custom page and I am going to use it as a Groups home page. I have added several Banner widgets to tell the story.

I have added the groups itself using Quick links widget.

I dont share the link to the Groups home at all, I´ll use just link to my Custom page. Of course, users can go there from breadcrumb but there is nothing you can do.

I think this solution works pretty well.

What comes to the DCW, I would like to add topics from the groups, to my Custom page. If user is joined to the certain group, user can see the latest topics just by visiting my Custom page. If user is not joined, user doesnt see them, obviously. My groups are private groups.

Thanks for elaborating @revote, this is such good context for when we will work on Groups improvements later this year. One of the key things we’ll be working on, is the ability to customize the Groups overview page, just like how we implemented that for Events a few months back. That should already be a step in the right direction. 

Do I understand it correctly that ideally, you’d also like to share a feed of content from groups that the user is a member of, straight from the Groups overview page? 

Thanks for elaborating @revote, this is such good context for when we will work on Groups improvements later this year. One of the key things we’ll be working on, is the ability to customize the Groups overview page, just like how we implemented that for Events a few months back. That should already be a step in the right direction. 

Yes, ability to customize Groups overview (Groups home) makes huge difference.

Also, if you can improve how group cards behave, then page looks much better.

And not to forget my observations here:


Do I understand it correctly that ideally, you’d also like to share a feed of content from groups that the user is a member of, straight from the Groups overview page? 

Yes. It would be like a snapshot, or teaser.

Yeah, we’ll also be addressing the join flow for non-logged in users 💪
