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Hey everyone! I’m thinking through the best plan of attack for this use case:

Product Manager Sam is not on the Community Team, but on the product team (they can not be an admin or community manager role). Product Manager Sam is one of the best people to manage incoming ideas on the community. They should be able to have control access in order to manage the queue of Ideas coming in and to be able to moderate Ideas content as needed (i.e. edit the title of an ideas post, merge an idea with an existing idea, etc.). However, Product Manager Sam doesn’t need to moderate forums (categories, events, etc) or the ability to create content from control (i.e. articles, product updates). 


My current workaround: I created a custom role called “Ideas Moderator” with the following permissions: FORUMS, FORUMS MODERATION. It’s not a perfect workaround as it has some issues described below.


Questions to the Insided Community: How do you handle moderation of Ideas if you’re working with product managers outside of the Community Team? Can you think of another workaround to solve for the use case described above?




Issues with Workaround

It appears that they have access to everything you can see below in this image:

When you click on “Customization” the Ideas Moderator does get blocked from making edits, but it’s odd that the Ideas Moderator can still see it as an option. 


Problems I am facing with this workaround:

  • 1) The custom role Ideas Moderator can not access Platform, Ideation (see screenshot)
  • 2) The custom role Ideas Moderator can access platform, knowledge base & Community & Groups & Product Updates and can create new categories and set user permissions here (see screenshot)
  • 3) The custom role Ideas Moderator can see the customization icon and click on it, but once there, they get an error on every option under customization. This is fine as far as access since I do not want them to have access to this, but why see it in the first place?
  • 4) Under Settings, they have access to Ideation Status which makes sense. Since they have forum moderator enabled, it also makes sense for them to have access to content helpfulness and moderation labels, but as an Ideas Moderator, ideally they would only have access to Ideation Status.


  • 5) The custom role Ideas Moderator can create any type of content they wish to. Not ideal for someone we want to purely focus on moderation of Ideas.


Issues with the other Workaround

If I update the Ideas Moderator to only have access to Forums, they can’t access Platform, Ideation







Update: Ended up going with the standard Moderator role. It’s not perfect but until there’s a way to further manage the custom roles this will have to work.

Has anyone else implemented this? We have created a custom role and are currently in the process of building an enablement package so that POs can be responsible for the management of their ideas within inSided. Any helpful tips are appreciated!
