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InSided aims to help its customers find reliable data. We are currently working on improving some of the dashboards, and want to ensure that the data we display in all the dashboards is relevant to you. We would like to share some of our ideas and hear your feedback.

If you are interested in having a call where you can test some of our prototypes please don’t hesitate to email me directly at


🎯 Goal

What we want to achieve:

  • New filter on authors of the answers

  • More detailed metrics about the authors of the best answers allowing to track better peer to peer support

  • New metrics for answers given by different user roles


💡 Concepts

What we created so far:


Success dashboard metrics descriptions and extra details:



Extra Details

# All Questions Asked

The number of questions asked in the selected time period

Excludes spam/trashed/deleted questions.

# All Questions answered

The number of questions asked in the selected time period that also have an answer marked.

Excludes spam/trashed/deleted questions. Unmarking the answer to a question will decrease the count.


Note: the answer to a question does not have to have been marked as the best answer in the selected time period.

% All Questions Answered

The % of questions created in the selected time period.which have an answer marked.

Calculation: (Questions divided by Questions Answered * 100).

# Questions Asked 

The number of questions asked in the selected time period by users with selected Question user roles

Excludes spam/trashed/deleted questions.

# Questions answered

The number of questions asked in the selected time period  by users with selected Question user roles

that also has an answer given by users with selected Answer user roles marked.

Excludes spam/trashed/deleted questions. Unmarking the answer to a question will decrease the count.


Note: the answer to a question does not have to have been marked as the best answer in the selected time period.

% Questions Answered

The % of questions created in the selected time period by users with selected Question user roles which have an answer marked provided by users with selected Answer user roles.


Average response time (hours)

Average amount of time (in hours) between the creation of a topic and its first reply.

Only includes topics created in the selected time period.


Replies from after the selected time period still count towards the calculation of average response time.


Excludes trashed/deleted topics, trashed/deleted replies. Topics with no replies are also excluded.


Replies from the original topic author are counted as a response.


All topic types are included.

# total single user topics

The number of topics in the selected time period where only one user contributed content.

Excludes spam/trashed/deleted topics.


Includes topics with no reply, as well as topics which only have replies from the user who started the topic (spam/trashed replies do not count).


This metric takes into account replies that are moved/promoted to topics, as well as topics that are converted to replies.


🤔 Questions

What we need clarification on:

  1. Which metrics in this dashboard are important to you?

  2. What would you like to see on this dashboard?

  3. Are you interested in who asked a question and who gave an answer?

I LOVE the Answer Author filter you’re working on.

However, one caveat I’ll point out on this: the Success Dashboard seems to be based on the date/time of the original question. Metrics on the Author of Answers are probably better based on the date/time of the answer. For example, if I want to know % of questions answers by role] within a time period, a success dashboard based on date/time of the original question wouldn’t give me that...but I might assume so based on this new filter. 

  1. All these metrics + MEDIAN time to answer (average is super noisy).

    I love that you’re looking at response time, but it’s another area where I’d prefer median. 

    why? When a question from many months back gets answered, it retroactively skews the average (because of note above on date/time). Median would be impacted a bit, yes, but much less significantly. 

    Other wish list items: %
  2. Long term, I think there’s a lot of cool things you could do with the time-based metrics. Those are key experience indicators. But rather than average/median, I’d like to see % of questions replied to / answered within a certain interval. How many questions get a reply within the first hour? x hours? day? week? month? 

    Doing so, would help with the time interval challenges outlined earlier in my comments. The % of questions answered within a day/week/month won’t change once those intervals are past. So a question answered a year later doesn’t mess up that data. Thus, CMs would have key experiential metrics to improve like getting questions replied to and answered earlier. They could compare month-over-month
  3. Yes, absolutely, from a Role perspective. 

Additionally, a nice-to-have would be a way to filter out answered questions from Single User topics. Or to do a spin on Single User Topics that’s a bit different. 

I’m using Single User Topics as a proxy for questions that haven’t received a reply. But actually, if a user asks a question and solves it on their own, they still count as a single user topic. 

And one more nice-to-have long term for #2 and #3… it’d be great to have easy to pull data on who is marking the answer to the questions. The original poster? Super users? Admins? Moderators? 

First of all, I agree with everything @DannyPancratz said :)

Also I’d like to be able to filter answers / answered topics by category. The use case is the following:

The categories in our community are largely product based. Being able to see the peer-to-peer support rate in questions related to product A would give us important information 😊


Which metrics in this dashboard are important to you?

  • We seldom use this dashboard as we have 100% of our questions answered and the new question volume in our community is low (compared to “conversations”). I feel like it should be combined with the content dashboard to create a better view of all your content activities. Questions are just another content type also available on the content dashboard and I wouldn’t just view questions as a sign of community success either.

What would you like to see on this dashboard?

  • Ask, answered and the % answered all on one line
  • Published in filter
  • Author role filter
  • Something showing the question frequency over time
  • A list of the questions topics that is displayed matching the selected filters
  • A breakdown of questions asked and answered by role

Are you interested in who asked a question and who gave an answer?

