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Hi there, we were discussing our re-enagement strategy and were thinking of ways to make the messages enagaging. One of the ideas was to populate dynamic content into the direct message, rather than just including a link to showcase popular posts for example. Is this a functionality that we could tap into? Thank you! 


What would you describe as “dynamic content” @cstrange? The editor in private messages are rather limited currently.

Hi @Scott Baldwin, the idea is to have a re-engagement message sent out with recent posts within the message, rather than just a link to our community. It sounds like this isn’t a current functionality, but would be great to have!

Ah that sounds like a fantastic idea @cstrange. I suspect that’s not possible today, but could be a great use case for the inSided Data object perhaps if the editor allowed for that.


Maybe think about creating a new idea for this one!

We investigated in more dynamic and engaging emails with a feature called Email campaigns, but the development on this currently has been parked. You can find more information about that here:

 Like Scott said, it would be good to raise a new idea and your thoughts around this :) 
