
Unique views on a specific topic

Hi folks, we’re just starting out with our community, and we’re going to be trying something to try to draw in users - promoting exclusive content on social media that members will have to come to the community to download and read.

I’d love to be able to track specifically how many views this attachment and topic has. Is this something that inSided’s analytics can do, or am I reliant on already having set up GA?

Our community is early enough and small enough that I can assume all new registrations are from this piece of outreach, but I have no baseline to model views and visits from on a wider view.

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Insided will give you the views. You can see an example at the top of this post, which is showing 3 views to me currently. 

Views also show in the Content dashboard in the Analytics available in Control. From my testing, those seem to filter by along with the date filter on that dashboard, so you could see how many filters that post has within a certain time period / how it changes over time. 

I don’t know about attachments… I’m guessing you’re not going to get view metrics on those. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @wtempleton 

Thanks for the question, and thank @DannyPancratz for chipping in.

As noted in the following KB article, the page views you see ON the topic are effectively the number of page loads. So this will include any bots.


Using Google Analytics would give you a count for the human activity on that page alone.


As for counting attachments. there is an Idea for that exact use case. It owuld be great to give your weight to that request.


Thank you both! Unfortunately given the reference in that article that the view count does not count uniques it’s not suitable for what I’m looking for. I suppose I need to accelerate the integration of GA into our community internally!
