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I’m looking to build reports in our SFDC sandbox before installing the SFDC integration in production. 

We have a use case to build reports/dashboards that summarize Ideas by Type.


The only field I see that seems to allow us to do this is the Topic ID field in the Community Member Activity object. Can someone help me understand what types of IDs correspond to what types of topics (Questions, Conversations, Ideas)



Also, I’d love any best practices or examples from others who have built reports & dashboards in SF! I’d love to avoid reinventing the wheel with these reports.


Thank you!

Hey @adam.ballhaussen - did you manage to find an answer here and create the reports you were after? Would be great if you can share anything that would help someone who’s in the position you were in 6 months ago!

Also, to clarify for anyone else who comes across this topic: each content type on inSided has its own set of IDs. So you can have a question with ID 1, an idea with ID 1, a conversation with ID 1, etc. In the Salesforce integration, the content type of the activity can be determined via the activity name, e.g. ‘Question asked’, ‘Idea submitted’, ‘Conversation started’.

So if you need to report on ideas, and you want to group the report based on the idea, then I’d recommend filtering on Activity Name contains ‘Idea’, and grouping by ‘Topic ID’ (or alternatively ‘Topic URL’, which also contains the ID and has the benefit of enabling you to quickly jump to the idea on your community for more details).
