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I am still in limited availability with my community but I have had two employees indicate the robots.txt endpoint pops up at weird times. 

  1. once when clicking the account verification email 
  2. when reseting a password

Anyone understand why this would happen?



Hi Alison,

Are you saying that while browsing the community, some of your people clicked on links that randomly sent them to robots.txt?

That would be unexpected behaviour to say the least.

Could you (privately if needed) share the clicked links that led them there?


Occurrence #1
When clicking on the validation new account] email it took me to the community’s robots.txt the first time. Second time took me to Community’s homepage. Don’t know if that happened to anyone else but if so it needs fixing before customers register


Occurrence #2
Hi Alison! Quick thing, I reset my password in CS Community and when I hit "reset," it sent me to the robots.txt endpoint. 

Hi Alison,

We are stumped unfortunately.

Could I ask you to send the following to inSided support the next time it happens?

  • URL that was clicked (especially if it’s something like a mimecast proxy inbetween)
  • Where this happened (in email?)
  • What user this happened to
  • If they were logged in to inSided when it happened
  • The timestamp, as accurately as possible

If it’s an email, please forward the email to support as well.

Thank you,
