3 Quick Tips for when to use Gainsight Analyzer

  • 19 September 2019
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Gainsight's Analyzer tool is a powerful tool that all Gainsight Admins should get familiar with. We have thorough documentation on the ever-expanding capabilities Analyzer provides. What I'm here to do is provide three quick tips for common scenarios that can give you a chance to get your feet wet with Gainsight Analyzer.

Scenario 1 - Rules Analyzer: How do I know how many rules are scheduled within my instance? It can be hard to figure this out from just looking in the UI of the Rules Engine. Luckily, the Rule Analyzer makes this easy to find out and also dig deeper into the execution summary if needed.

Scenario 2 - Report/Dashboard Analyzer: I feel like I have a lot of reports and dashboards in my instance. How can I quickly figure out how many and then also optimize them if I so choose? That's where Gainsight's Report Analyzer comes in. One helpful tip is taking a look at any dashboards that have a "last modified date" of at least 6 months ago and checking with the creator to see if it's OK to delete it.

Scenario 3 - Object Analyzer: It's hard to keep track of all the MDA objects in our instance. Is there a way to not only see which objects we're actually using but also see how data is flowing there? Gainsight's Object Analyzer is your answer! Not only can you see how many records are in a given object, you can also see how data is being loaded to each object.

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Userlevel 7
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bumping this to the top for more visibility. Thanks @spencer_engel appreciate you on this summary, helps a lot.
