Our personalized video technology utilises query strings to identify a specific file to deliver when rendering an embeded video. At the moment this is preventing us from using Gainsight to make use of our own product, so it's a significant problem for us.
We would normally embed a video using HTML code similar to below:
<a href=“&vycustom_id=dcustomid]”]https://inserturlhere?vyemail=aemail]&vycustom_id=_customid]” target=“_blank” title=“Vidyard Test Video”><img src=“inserturlhere?email=1&custom_id=1customid]”alt=“Vidyard Test Video” /></a>
As you can see, there are a couple of query string fields that we want to be variable values, pulled from a powerlist. These are 'EMAIL' and 'CUSTOMID'.
What we're looking for is the ability to add tokens into the HTML code.
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