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Has anyone successfully connected their Tableau instance to their Gainsight S3 bucket using the Athena connector? I have searched for the error message I’m receiving and it could be a number of different things including an incorrect domain. I used the same settings that I use to successfully connect via Cyberduck.


dSimba]bjdbc](10100) Connection Refused: dSimba]bjdbc](11640) Required Connection Key(s): AwsRegion; nSimba]bjdbc](11480) Optional Connection Key(s): AwsCredentialsProviderArguments, AwsCredentialsProviderClass, BinaryColumnLength, ComplexTypeColumnLength, ConnectTimeout, EndpointOverride, MaxCatalogNameLength, MaxColumnNameLength, MaxErrorRetry, MaxQueryExecutionPollingInterval, MaxSchemaNameLength, MaxStreamErrorRetry, MaxTableNameLength, MinQueryExecutionPollingInterval, ProxyHost, ProxyPort, ProxyPWD, ProxyUID, QueryExecutionPollingIntervalMultiplier, RowsToFetchPerBlock, S3OutputEncOption, S3OutputLocation, Schema, SocketTimeout, StreamingEndpointOverride, StringColumnLength, UseArraySupport, UseAwsLogger, UseResultsetStreaming, Workgroup
Invalid username or password.


@bennychan would you have something to share in this regard?
